Scaling Impact: For Those Who Want to Make a Difference

Someone once said: “The one single factor that determines society’s success is the percentage of change-makers within it.”

There are several factors that can change the world in infinite dimensions; however, there are some specific people and groups who truly leave their mark. Here at EdCast, we believe in the power and strength of knowledge and believe it can change a company or even a nation and guide it to a path of success. Through education, we reach for change, which is linked to the emergence of innovative ideas and leads to effective results. Creating solutions that make a difference is how educated individuals really make an impact on out world, by identifying unfair situations which are causing social exclusion and are not easily solved by the people directly involved. It’s all a matter of creating social value in the eyes of others, and making that value and impact sustainable.

Of course, it is not just individuals who need to work towards sustainable change, as you can see in many emerging company practices. A sustainable company is one that creates economic, environmental, and social value in the short and long term, thus contributing to increased wellbeing and the genuine progress of present and future generations. The solution has everything to do with stability.

For example, take a look at Acumen, a non-profit global venture fund that uses entrepreneurial approaches to solve the problems of poverty. Its aim is to help build financially sustainable organizations that deliver affordable goods and services that improve the lives of the poor. In regard to sustainable practices and the improvement of different groups, their work is remarkable.

More than that, this company seeks to help others follow in their footsteps. Acumen is the author of a new course guide: Repeatable Developing Models to Scale Your Impact. This is a useful course for any businesses, entrepreneurs, or organizations that want to address progress towards sustainable impact, particularly in favor of disadvantaged people. It doesn’t matter what a company really does, though, because increasing impact business-wise is something pretty much every organization is aiming for.

In regards to this course, we can conclude with certainty that it is an initiative that has social purposes in mind. Additionally, given the nature of this company, we can see that they want to prove that the purpose of an enterprise is not only “social” but also geared towards social “development”. This course will discuss and delve into new subjects as to the importance of social entrepreneurship: to focus strategies, resources, and company essence to act as a positive in the environment or in social areas. In the end, the message to entrepreneurs and learners as a whole is clear: create sustainable and lasting change that could improve life and industry for people who truly need it.

We invite you to explore the horizons of what it really means to launch into social entrepreneurship with us and Acumen. For more information go to the following link and enroll today:

Laura Marenco Galvis

Chief Blogger & Social Media Specialist

EdCast India

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